
The CLC Book House

Edifying CLC Authored Publications

Excel Spreadsheet index for the Lutheran Spokesman

The Lutheran Spokesman

CLC monthly magazine with devotions, information, and other religious articles.

Search the Lutheran Spokesman online

A Google Custom Search Engine indexes The Lutheran Spokesman website. Searching in this index will return results found in only the Lutheran Spokesman website.

2010 Convention Chronicles — 29th Convention – CLC 50th Anniversary

Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 210
Friday, June 25, 2010

Church of the Lutheran Confession Ministry by Mail Study Guide

Excel Spreadsheet links to sermons from July 2002 to December 2009. Click on the sermon title to open Ministry by Mail sermon. To track which sermons you have read put an “X” in the “R” (Read) column.
Save the Excel file to your hard drive.

The Branches Magazine

A quarterly publication for Christian women

Ministry by Mail

Aweekly publication of the Church of the Lutheran Confession which offers the Gospel of Christ through printed sermons
Ministry by Mail Archive Index
Spreadsheet listing references to past sermons.